
By clicking on the activity, you can access the relevant worksheets and instructions.


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Happy, frightened and angry dogs
Match the faces to the how the dogs are feeling.

You will need
Scissors, glue, colouring pencils.

Cut out the three faces on the bottom of the sheet.
Match the happy face to the happy dog.
Match the angry face to the angry dog.
Match the scared face to the scared dog.
Colour in the dogs and faces.

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No owner! No leash! No touch!
Make a lead for the dog.

You will need
Scissors, glue and pencils.

Colour in the lead, the dog and the owner’s hand.
Carefully cut from the scissors following the line to the end.
Cut out the hand and the dog.
Paste the hand to one end of the spiral and the dog to the other end.
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Times you should leave dogs alone
Put the crosses on the times you should leave dogs alone.

You will need
Scissors, glue, colouring pencils.

Cut out the crosses on the bottom of the page.
Stick the crosses to show the times it is not safe to go near a dog.
Colour in the dogs.

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A safe way to approach a dog
Complete the safety message.

You will need
Colouring pencils, scissors, glue.

Colour in each of the pictures.
Cut them out.
Glue them on a long piece of paper in the correct order.
Share with the family.

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If you are approached by an angry dog
Complete the safety message.

You will need
Colouring pencils, scissors, glue.

Colour in each of the pictures.
Cut them out.
Glue them on a long piece of paper in the correct order.
Share with the family.

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Prep Activity 6

Shape dog


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Shape dog
Using the shapes to make a dog.

You will need
Scissors, glue, coloured pencils, a piece of A4 coloured paper.

Carefully cut out each shape. Build your shape dog using the picture at the top of the sheet as a guide.
Place all the pieces on the page before you glue to make sure it looks the same as the picture.
Once you are happy glue each piece onto the coloured page.

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