
By clicking on the activity, you can access the relevant worksheets and instructions.


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3 to 6 Activity 1

Banana dog snacks


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Banana dog snacks
Learn how to make a tasty treat for your dog.

You will need
The ingredients and equipment listed on the worksheet.
You will need an adult to help supervise the cooking and cutting of the biscuits.

The instructions are listed on the worksheet.

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3 to 6 Activity 2

Pet silhouettes


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Pet silhouettes
Create a silhouette of your pet.

You will need
Torch, tape, black paint, large piece of white paper and a light-coloured piece of cover paper to mount it on.

Follow the steps on the worksheet.

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What are our responsibilities when owning a pet?
Prepare a list of responsibilities for owning pet.

You will need
A pen or pencil.

Look at each of the needs your pet has.
In the responsibility section, list all the things that you need to be responsible for to make sure that the pet’s rights are met.

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3 to 6 Activity 4

Film review


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Film review
Write a film review.

You will need
To watch a movie that features a pet animal.
Use the worksheet to take notes.

Choose a movie to watch.
Read the worksheet so you know what information you will require.
Watch the movie.
Take notes on the worksheet during the movie to help you write your review.
Present your film review using the notes you have taken and using the headings provided.
(You could make a short movie presenting your review).

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Make a movie about your pet
Create a movie about your pet.

You will need
Access to an iPhone, iPad or tablet.

Decide on a cover and title for the movie.
Draft a story map.
Collect images, film clips and photos to insert into your movie.
If you are going to have music, you will need to choose it.
Make your movie.
Share with your family.

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How quickly can Matilda’s cat family grow?
Calculate how many cats would be in Matilda’s family.

You will need
Butcher paper, pens, textas, calculator, coloured counters.

Look at the diagram at the top of the worksheet which explains how Matilda’s family grew in the first two years.
Follow the instructions set out in the worksheet.
Remember that the female cats in the previous year will continue to have litters.
That cats that have been born prior to the year have to be added to the ones born in that year.
You may wish to work with a group of your classmates online. It would be a great idea to check your results with each other for the end of each year.

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